Lakisha Alston
Route 4 Box 214-A
Warrenton N.C. 27589
(252) 257-3724 (h), (919) 306-3896 (m)
EDUCATION North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Human Sciences December 2001
Major: Child Development and Family Relations
Concentration: Child Development and Family Relations
EMPLOYMENT Bethesda Elementary, Durham NC
Group Leader April 2001-present
Assisted parents who needed summer child care
Gather, maintain and exercise daily activities that enhance growth and development
in children
Provide counseling to families and children through parent teacher conference
Oak Grove Elementary, Durham, NC
Group Leader June 2001-August 2001
Assisted parents who needed summer childcare
Develop and implement effective strategies for education and reaching out to school age children as a mentor
Created comfortable and safe learning environment for children and families
Accompanied parents and children on field trips and outings
North Carolina Central University Student Store, Durham, NC
Cashier August 1998-May 2000
Performed duties as head cashier
Coordinated the inventory
Served as a trained specialist for fellow cashiers
Hecht's Clothing Department, Durham NC
Sale's Associate August 1997-September 1998
Accompanied customers in finding comfortable clothing of their choice
Organized children's, juniors, and women's apparel departments
INTERSHIPS Child Care Services Association, Durham, NC
Assisting Intern September 2001-December 2001
Assisted Child Care Providers in finding services for needing parents
Developed visual displays of services offered by Child Care Services
ACTIVITIES Tutor/Mentor, Eastway Elementary (1997-1998); Member, American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences; Member, National Black Child Development Institute
Santa Clause Comes to the Hood; supporting role
Hell of a Situation; supporting role
Dr. Love; supporting role
NCCU Theatre Department
Media; supporting role
Dearly Departed; supporting role
Ain't I A Woman; supporting role